Child Protection
Let the little children come to me, (Mt 19:14)

One of the properties of marriage is to beget children. Children are gift from God to the family, clan, tribe, nation and whole of humankind.
It is not enough to beget children. All the people mentioned in the preceding paragraph have bounden duty to care and protect their children. Children have these basic rights. Love towards children is a sign of maturity on the part of the formators.
Jesus lived as a child in the family of Joseph and Mary. From these two persons Jesus learned the meaning of love, which means enhancing other persons through true genuine love.
May God guard our children who are the future of our Nation and Church. If we treat well our children, they will remember us and pray to God for Us.
The Catholic Church's view on child protection is very core to its activities. The heart of the Catholic Church is in the protection and care of the child following the footsteps laid by JesusChrist himself.
“Let the little children come to me, and do not forbid them; for such is the kingdom of heaven.”(Mt 19:14) The welfare and protection of children is the responsibility of every adult in our society. Therefore, the welfare ofthose under the age of majority, has to be at the core of everything practiced by the church.
Due to the negative effects and abuse of the child, the Church has dedicated herself in this mission from pre-school, primary and secondary, caring for orphans and youth formation and considers that it is important to have guidelines to control the safety and protection of children as highlited by TEC’s policy and guidelines for child protection of 2017.

Fr. Emil Kindole
Coordinator of the Child Protection Committee (CPC)
Staff Statistics
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Aenean eu erat lectus. Vivamus faucibus lorem in nisl auctor, bibendum lobortis tellus vulputate. Mauris aliquam justo eu accumsan lacinia. Donec scelerisque luctus urna vitae pellentesque egestas rhoncus. Sed in vehicula ipsum. Sed leo turpis, sollicitudin a finibus eu, ornare imperdiet sapien.
Donec in ante a purus interdum placerat. Etiam sit amet libero bibendum orci faucibus elementum. Curabitur varius sapien vitae congue vulputate. Praesent ipsum magna, ornare in tellus quis, suscipit consequat magna. Fusce sed faucibus justo.
Board Member

Alistair Coleman
Principal & Member of B.O.D.
- +1 6335 248795

Raelynn Hill
Vice Principal, Sr. Chemistry Teacher
- +1 6335 544384

Evelyn Clark
Head Mistress
- +1 6335 887586

Creed Hall
Sr. Physics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795

Zayn Nelson
Sr. Mathematics Teacher
- +1 6335 248795

Capria Adams
Cultural Head
- +1 6335 248795
Sinor Board Member

Natalie Flores
Head, Admission Committee
- +1 6335 242879

Doris Rivera
Front Office Executive
- +1 6335 234879

Apollo Creed
Documents Evaluator
- +1 6335 624866

Aria Murphy
Head, Accounts Department
- +1 6335 248795

Samikhsa Sinha
Sr. Accountant
- +1 6335 248879

Camila Wilson
Manager, Financial Aid Dept.
- +1 6335 254866